Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sophia's new drawstring tote

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At the fabric store a few days ago Sophia insisted that she had to have this scrap of fabric in the remnant bin. I had no idea on earth what I was going to do with it at the time but I figured I would think of something. I decided to try my hand at making a small drawstring purse. Although I tried to find a coordinating fabric to use for accents I was unable to find exactly the right color so I ended up just making the whole little purse out of the Care Bear fabric.   This was very fun to make and I knew Sophia would love it since she loves Care Bears. She couldn't wait for me to finish it. It only took a few hours once I figured out how to make the bottom and the casings for the drawstring ribbon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crayon and coloring book tote bag

Every mommy I know deals with crayon challenges and messes with one child or another. Some mommies have to figure out how to get crayon off the wall such as my mom did when my little brother decided to re-decorate my bedroom wall when I was a kid.  Others are so lucky as to have their kids color their clothing or leave crayons in their clothes pockets.   Our latest challenge was a recent experience with a purple crayon in Sophia's blue jeans pocket which resulted in little purple flecks all over Sophia's wardrobe because it went through the wash. I sat Sophia down and asked her if she put a crayon in her clothes and my sweet two-year old replied, "I put the purple crayon in jeans pocket!"  She seemed pretty proud of that too.  Sadly, I had to tell her the bad news is that we can't put crayons in our pockets because it ruins our pretty dresses and clothes.  She thought about that and looked as though she understood.  I will definitely be checking her clothes pockets a little more closely from now on.  I learned my lesson.  I am happy to report that I was able to get all the crayon out and saved all her winter clothes.

Shortly after that crayon incident, I thought maybe she would like to put her crayons in special little pockets.  Kids like little places to put things if I remember something from my early childhood studies many years ago. As a result of these thoughts, I sewed this little tote bag for her crayons and coloring book that we can take along to places and not have to risk her putting crayons in her pockets to take them wherever we go. This is also a good way to make sure I have all the crayons accounted for and none are in her clothes pockets.

I think she will love her little crayon tote bag because I made it especially for her.  She loves when mommy makes special things for her with my sewing machine and serger.  She exclaimed last night when I was finishing up her tote bag, "Mommy, more sewing machines!" when she saw the serger and sewing machine sitting on the coffee table.  She climbed up in my lap with a bright smile on her face as she recalled her little owl backpack which she named "Peck Peck."   She then jumped of my lap and crept over to her owl backpack and brought it to me to show me that she liked it and proceeded to pick up the nearest toys on the floor to show me how it worked. Once fully loaded, she wanted to wear it on her back. It was so cute.

This crayon and coloring book tote was still not completed when she went to bed so she will be surprised in the morning when she wakes up.  I enjoy the look on her face and know she appreciates the love and thought that went into whatever I have created for her.  I love being a mommy and making little things for my beautiful daughter.  Even my husband was curious as to what I was making when he saw me sewing away. I think he knows that although I really don't enjoy cooking, I love sewing and have for a long time.   I told him just wait and you will see when I am finished.  I can report that he liked the little crayon and coloring tote bag but he didn't ask me to make one for him to take him crayons to work with him so I guess I am off the hook on that one.

Some additional notes on this tote bag follow:

I made this tote bag mostly on the serger but needed to use the sewing machine for the top stitching for the pockets.  This little tote is lined and has a stabilizer in it though so as to make it more durable for little hands to use. Short little projects like this are fun and challenge me to sharpen my skills and I get immediate gratification when it is complete.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coffee cup coaster

I came up with an idea and wondered if i could make it. The answer is yes. I designed this little coffee coaster by drawing my own pattern and creating it through trial and error. It took me several attempts to make this the right size and shape using the serger. The handle although simple looking was the toughest part. The fabric is just regular scrap fabric but the lining is water resistant to prevent water rings on furniture etc. I have some thoughts about how to make this a little easier the next time I make one or several. This was truly fun to think, design, and sew. Also, in the photo it looks a little crooked but that is because I had the iphone camera slanted funny and the corner of the cup was slightly tilted up.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sophia's new dress

I am always looking for quick fun projects to learn new techniques on my serger. As we were browsing around the fabric store Sophia fell in love with this fabric.  This fabric was so cute we just had to bring it home and make something out of it. Well, here it is a little spring sun dress. I used my serger for the entire project.  She was so excited that she couldn't wait for me to finish it. She even said, "Thank you for my dress mommy!"  I made a matching ribbon for her hair of course since she likes her hair in a bow. 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tote bag I made for my mom

Mom's tote bag

This year I realized that I have never really sewed anything for my mother even though she was the one who bought my sewing machine and serger for me because she knew I wanted to learn to sew.

I thought for a long while about what to make for her. I finally came up with a plan. Every time mom comes to my house she needs to bring stuff with her and brings several small grocery bags just to carry her stuff. I thought what if I could make it easier for her and make a large tote she could carry her stuff in.

So I made a lined tote for her.  I chose a neutral fabric for the outside so she could use it to carry anything she wants inside it.  I selected a cute fabric with the boats and lighthouses for the inside because she loves getting out on the boats at the Lake in the summers.  This was the closest nautical fabric I could find to what I was thinking of for the lining fabric.   With the aid of my serger and sewing machine I transformed this fabric into a tote bag for mom to carry everything in.  I think it is the perfect size to pack full but not be too big to pack too heavy.  I have never made anything like this and learned a lot about how to make cute totes that I can give as gifts.  Not only did I learn more about how to use my machines, I also learned about a secret to make the fabric stand upright.   I am just getting a chance to post it although I finished it back in November because I wanted it to be a complete surprise for Christmas. It was so difficult not telling her what I was working on.  Hopefully, she will love it.

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