Friday, March 5, 2010

Fancy baby burp cloths

I used flannel on one side and a baby cloth diaper on the other side for extra absorbency.

The blanket binding is made out of pink gingham flannel sewn on my serger with a rolled edge stitch.

Today I  wanted to try something fun so I made fancy baby burp cloths. I used a try-fold baby diaper and flannel. On my serger I made the blanket binding out of the pink and white gingham. Then, I assembled the fancy baby burp cloths. It was a little windy outside when I took these photos and the fabric was blowing around and it was a bit too cold to stay out and redo so it doesn't look very straight in the picture. It is much cuter in person.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scarves and Hair Tieback

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Today I made a few quick fun little scarves and hair tieback bows with my serger. I am learning a new technique -  rolled hems on my serger and wanted to practice on some small stuff before I made a larger project with this technique. Can I say, I just love, love, love, my serger. I can do so many things one wouldn't dream of making on my regular sewing machine. I also learned an exciting new trick on my serger beside this one today. More to come when have a chance to make a project out of that one.  Hint, gathering fabric is much easier on a serger than a classic sewing machine.  Yahoo!