Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I had tiny strips of fabric, so I made a rose barrette garden

If you sew, you know you should never waste any scraps because one day some great idea might come along that they can be used for when you get time.

Most people would have thrown away these tiny scraps of fabric leftover from projects but not me. I have a serger and figured, I could use them for something someday as trim on my kids dresses. Someday came and as you can see I serged some sweet fabric ribbon roses for my girls to use as hair-bows.

Here is another one.

Then, I made a whole bunch more of the serged fabric ribbon roses into hair barrettes for my girls using up a bunch of tiny strips. My favorite is the yellow organza rose. I have many more to make so I will stop blogging for now.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The insulated super-sized drink cozy cooler

I designed this insulated super-sized cup holder on a particularly boring afternoon out of some scrap fabric I had leftover from the casserole carriers I make. My first thought was to make a can holder that was expandable to accommodate a water bottle, and even a large cup. Well, as you can see I got carried away and made an insulated super-sized expandable cup holder. I can say it was worth the effort to design it because it seems to hold every cup or can I have in my house.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Serged ribbon roses

I made ribbon roses today that I might make into hair barrettes for my girls. I just need to get some tiny clips to attach them to. I always have long scraps of fabric leftover from various projects I make. I knew someday I would get brave enough to try something new.

Today I serged some of the fabric strips into long ribbons. I used a three thread rolled hem on the serger with woolly nylon overlock thread for a smooth beautiful sharp looking edge.

From the serged fabric ribbons, I made a fancy ribbon rose. I am obsessed with figuring out how to make fabric flowers right now. A serger definitely makes this very possible and fun. Apparently it is an addiction that I cannot seem to shake. So, above is my first official fancy ribbon rose.

Then, I thought I have an extra strip of this sheer vibrant purple leftover from a ring scarf I made today and you guessed it. I serged another fabric ribbon and turned it into a rose too.

I just might have to dig through all my scraps and make more of these fun little ribbon fabric flowers.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beach cover-up or fancy tunic style blouse

Front view with gathered fancy belt

Back view

I rarely sew anything for myself. I don't have much time to make things for me. I just love making stuff for other people but this one I just might have to keep.

My mom brought me a great suggestion of making beautiful beach cover-ups. Rather than wearing a terry-cloth towel cover-up at the beach, that let's face it looks flattering on nobody, I could design a beautiful beach cover-up.

After a couple different trials I have come up with a favorite.

I serged this entire cover-up on the serger except for attaching the casing for the fancy belt. I had to use the sewing machine because my serger does not have a cover-stitch setting.  I suppose I could have flat-locked it but I really haven't practiced that technique enough to try it on this fabric yet.

However, I had a lot of fun making this cover-up because I taught myself a new technique on my serger that may appear on future projects.

I used a three thread rolled hem on the scarf type fabric because it seems to work well. The big difference on this was I wanted to give the edges of the fabric "body" to look more luxurious. Illustrated in the arm and around the bottom hem the fabric looks like it "stands out" a bit and ripples in and out. I won't share my secret but I love the texture it gives for a new look.  Otherwise this delicate fabric would just hang.

My husband looked at this last night while I was sealing the seams with Fray check and said, "Uh, do you realize that it is see-through? It is pretty, but what is it?"

I laughed and replied, "a cover-up."

What do you think?

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Barbie gets a smokin hot swimsuit

I have been working diligently on some new designs and techniques that are just not coming together at the moment. So, I thought I would take a little break with a quick diversion which would surprise my daughter in the morning.

I looked through my scraps and found a smoking hot little animal print scrap just large enough to make a bikini swimsuit for Barbie. I did not use any type of pattern whatsoever so this is a one of a kind original. I serged this little swimsuit for Barbie sized dolls. The bottom of the swimsuit is just a simple A-line style skirt and the top is a scrunched bikini top.    It is serged with a three thread rolled hem. I used a scrap of Velcro for the closure so my three year old could put the swimsuit on Barbie without my assistance. Now that I completed something, I will get back to work on my other puzzling project.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Serging Ring Scarves

My serger was getting jealous of my use of the sewing machine use lately so I thought I would use it a bit and whip out a few fun scarves.  I can make several of these a hour on the serger and just love how pretty they look.
These lovely scarves were serged on the serger with a three thread rolled hem sewn on the reverse and flipped.  I love these scarves because you slip them right over your head and you are ready to go.

Some of the above styles have been added to my Etsy site.  As of March 1, 2011 I opened up a shop on Etsy to sell my home-made goods.   I have wanted to open a shop for awhile now but with a demanding baby, time didn't allow for the commitment involved.  Now, that she is getting older, I have time to sew a few items when she naps.  Posted by Picasa