Thursday, December 8, 2011

Socks what socks?

Sophia was better yesterday so Jingle Bells came back. It looks like he for into something else. Wearing Sophia's socks on his head, hands, and feet.

"Mommy, uh, Jingle Bells must have been sewing on your sewing machine because we didn't have those ladybug socks or these other red ones before."

I answered, "Really? Do you think the Elf used my old sewing machine downstairs?"

Sophia replied, "Yes, because your other machine is at the shop. I think he stole some socks out of my dresser too."

I asked, How can that be? Did you see him or hear him in your room?"

"No. He must have been really quiet and sneaky.".

Sophia noticed that Jingle Bells made an "S" for Sophia out of the socks I sewed for her.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Cuteness is all in the details - making ordinary socks into extraordinary

Today I decided to challenge myself to see if I could turn an ordinary boring white pair of socks into an ordinary cute pair of socks on my serger.

Here are my results:

First I took some random strips of red with white polka dot fabric I had leftover from another project. I serged a rolled hem on one raw edge of each. Next, I put the ruffling foot on the serger and ruffled and serged the sock edge and fabric edge together. Ta Da! Kaylee has a ruffled pair of socks.

Next task make ruffled lettuce edged socks on serger. These turned out okay but next time I try it I will use wooly nylon instead of regular thread. It makes a fancier edge and spreads out better. This was just a first trial. I wonder if I can do this test.

The third trial was Ribbon ruffle socks serged up in a minute with the ruffling foot. These are my favorite so far made with bright pink with black polka dots grosgrain ribbon.

My challenge for today was fun. I knew today was going to be busy and I didn't have a lot of time to sew so I decided I would finally try a few things on my mind I was thinking I could probably make.

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Kaylee wearing some giant shoes

-Kaylee is putting on some shoes. I wish she would hold still for a second so every picture wouldn't be a blur.

Trying to put them on again.

Notice the tiny ruffled socks I made for her on her ankles.

She put both shoes on now.

Before I asked her she said, "Cheese!". Too funny!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Blue Tote with Red Ribbon

I serged this cute little denim blue colored tote with red bow accents and red inside.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Large Purse/Tote Bag

I serged this zebra print tote this morning. It has a stiff lining which makes it durable for carrying somewhat heavy stuff inside. It also stands on its own because of the stiffness of the lining.

Zebra print large purse/tote bag

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Serging some quick Christmas gifts for my Etsy site

These are my favorite little hairbows and the newest ones I will be adding to my Etsy site.

Sophia my daughter's exact words were, "Mommy, you can't sell those I want them!".

No worries. I made several so she can have her own set too. I guess that meets the little girl testing phase. She loves them so I believe other girls will love them too.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Fleece flouncy skirt

Kaylee loved this little flouncy skirt I made from a scrap of fleece I had in my sewing room. She insisted I put it on her.

This little skirt is also made with an adjustable waistband so either of my girls could wear it.

I love this idea of making skirts for both of my daughters but not needing twice the space to store one for each girl. I love adjustable button waistbands.

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Need something Brown to wear for preschool

Although Sophia doesn't look happy in this photo, she loves her new little Brown skirt. Her preschool wants them to wear the color of the day that they are learning about that day and we didn't have anything brown. So what's a mom to do but whip up a quick skirt on the serger out of some scrap fabric and fancy trim.

So in fifteen minutes or less without a pattern, I cut the fabric, serged this skirt, added giant rick rack trim and an adjustable elastic waistband with buttons.

Sophia magically had a brand new outfit for school.

The good news is with the button adjustable waistband either of my girls can wear this new little skirt. It fits either one.  This is what the elastic band looks like when I adjust for skinny mini Kaylee.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Seven little luxurious Santa Toy Sacks

A friend of mine needed some cute little Santa Sacks for seven little girls for a Christmas program. She and I went to the store and chose beautiful crushed velvet, luxurious white fur, and holiday rope with gold twisted into the strands.

I made these large Santa Sacks similar to the little Christmas Santa Sacks I make for gifts, but these were much fancier with all the fur. They are approximately the size of a regular pillowcase.

Although fur is not my favorite fabric to sew due to the shedding and mess it makes of the inner mechanisms of a sewing machine, they turned out Super cute. I will be tearing both my sewing machine and serger apart in the next twenty four hours to clean out all of the fur and re-oil all the parts so it is ready for all the upcoming sewing projects I have planned.

After all the work from Halloween costume sewing and Christmas gift bags my machines are needing some loving cleaning and general maintenance so they don't break while I hurriedly start making Christmas gifts.

If you need me to sew up some magical Christmas gifts for you, let me know.

I better stop blogging and get working on my next project involving blue jeans and zippers.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Hemming dresses that is all I got

My life has been a little crazy lately since I have decided to pursue an absolutely crazy goal of wanting to complete a triathlon before I am forty years old. This amazing feat which I have decided is going to help me lose the baby weight requires constant training. Unfortunately for me between chasing Kaylee and keeping her out of trouble, answering Sophia's stream of conscience questions, doing all the normal household chores and mom stuff; training for my long term goal is making me drop into bed with exhaustion each night.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I tend to be a bit of an overachiever. I feel a goal isn't worth it if it can be reached easily. I believe in working hard to get an end result. Laziness is not an option. The harder you work, the more you appreciate the outcome.

Many who have known me for awhile know that I usually bite off more than I can chew, work a job or three, pursue a Major in college or two. Workout twice a day studying martial arts while learning to ride a bike. Yes, even studying for my Master's Degree several years back while working full time job. Deciding to learn to sew but not just with a sewing machine, learning how to use a serger at the same time. Yes, my history of pursuing. Interests and hobbies and learning is a bit overwhelming to most but what can I say, I don't want to be a "boring" person and I will have loads of memories and stories to tell my children and grandchildren someday, maybe. I am rarely ever bored and don't sit still for long unless I am asleep. Zzzzzz!

So once again Debbie has taken on the seemingly impossible mission of wanting to complete a triathlon before 40 as a long term goal to my short term goal of losing weight. The only problem is, I don't "know how to run". I mean "run" properly like runners do in a race. So on June 8, 2011 I started a new endeavor. I started running. On off days from running I have been riding the bike and even took a few spinning classes. With all this going on. It has not left a lot of time in my day for my other favorite pastime of sewing. So I am settling for "hemming" dresses. With the weather changing, I expect I will once again have regular dates with my sewing machine hiding away from everyone in my (relaxing oasis, no, just kidding) office and being able to create fun with material and thread. I sure miss sewing with my machines but with everything else, being a wife and mom there just isn't enough hours in the day. A mom my age needs at least a little beauty sleep because I sure am not getting any younger.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sewing challenge make life jacket inescapable for kaylee

Kaylee is definitely my climber and my escape artist. She escapes everything including her pool flotation devices and rafts. As soon as we get to the pool, she starts running away or climbing out of the stroller. I tried letting her swim with a life jacket which didn't work because she is short to the ground and floats up onto her back while wearing it. That just makes her mad. She can't play while always floating on her back.

So I bought the US Coast Guard approved life swimming vest shown above. The only problem is that Kaylee is too skinny to keep it on.

Adjusted to the tightest it will go around her and as you can see her arms slide out and it falls down. The photos are blurry too because this kids never stops running.

So the challenge today is figure out how to keep this life vest on Kaylee.

The method I propose is to sew temporary buttons onto the back of the sleeves. Then attach buttonhole elastic to keep the arm floats up without restricting her movement.
Then, I will tighten the safety strap in the back by folding the edge over and sewing it to the vest. This should temporarily hold the vest at a smaller chest size. These will be only temporary fixes that can be removed when she is big enough to use the vest.

As you can see this was a pretty easy fix but to make it a little less obvious I sewed the elastic to a wide polka dot grosgrain ribbon that matched the vest color that I had here.

Then I sewed tiny buttons onto the sleeves.

Sewed buttons onto both sleeves.

Then I just buttoned the elastic ribbon onto the vest.

I put it on Kaylee and took her to the pool. It worked like a charm and when Kaylee my escape artist got into the water her life vest stayed on and she could move her arms just fine.

Here is an action shot of her running with her new life vest on.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mission impossible? Maybe not

The challenge: Transform this pair of blue jeans into a pair my father could wear. My dad has a new leg brace which he would like to hide inside the pant leg.

Idea - add zipper to inside leg of jeans to allow for my dad's leg brace.

First, I ripped out the hem and inner leg seam approximately 17 inches to allow for ease of use from the seam because the leg brace is 15 inches tall. Then, I serged the edges of the seams of the blue jeans independently. Next, I inserted a zipper with a zipper foot on my sewing machine. Then I resewed the hem.

Ta Da! Mission accomplished!

Zipper opening in the inner leg seam that my dad can open to put on his leg brace. I hope this solution works for him.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Barbie high fashions

I serged this little modern black and white polka dot hankerchief hemline skirt and halter top for Barbie.

Back view of handkerchief hem.

side view. I used Velcro for the closures so my three year old could dress Barbie without my help.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Playing Barbie dolls - barbie needs a new dress

Today was a triple digit heat day so we decided to play in our playroom in the nice cool basement. I played Barbies with my girls. Sophia told me Barbie needs some new clothes. Knowing how she felt and thinking back to when I was a young girl who loved dressing my Barbies, I told her I would see what I could do about it if she was a good girl and took her nap.

I had to deliver on my promise since Sophia was sleeping when I peeked into her room awhile ago. I hurried and serged up this quick little full skirted dress to match Sophia's Ladybug pillowcase dress out of a bit of scraps I had leftover and some ribbon. I hope she likes it. I think it turned out cute. My girls now have a matching Barbie dress to match their ladybug dresses.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hemming the cover up

With summer here I am having a hard time keeping up with everything. I have managed to sneak in a quick sewing project here and there in between biking, starting to run (have never been a runner before but am determined to lose some weight), cleaning, swimming, playing with my kids, and trying to let them play with friends.

This was handed to me a week ago and I am just now getting around to tackling hemming the swimsuit cover-up. I love the dressmaker's form because you can get a true length as if you or in this case my mom were wearing the dress for the hem.

This is just another view of the cover-up on my dressform.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tutu or hat you decide

I serged up a quick tutu the other day for the girls to play with.

I handed it to my darling little Kaylee and said to her "Try this on."

She decided that it was a "Hat" as she sweetly called it and put it on her head. (you just can't make this stuff up. Kids are so silly).

Sophia and I busted up laughing and then Sophia wanted to try on the tutu, "hat" too!

I guess these girls like when o make hats better then tutus.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Child sized adjustable Beach blanket cover up

It is swimsuit season and we are spending a lot of time at the pool. With swimming daily comes the need for lots of swimsuits and multiple cover-ups. So, although I haven't tried making any swimsuits yet, I have tried making a few beach cover-ups. This is my latest. It is fully adjustable and can be made flat to be used as a towel or beach blanket.

Here Sophia is trying it out for the first time at the pool.

Lay it out flat for a beach towel or

If you have a beach chair, you can tie it down so it won't blow away.

  This is my own personal original design so please be respectful of the time and thought put into it and do not copy it.  I did not use a pattern at all.  I drew and designed it completely to be original.

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