Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mission impossible? Maybe not

The challenge: Transform this pair of blue jeans into a pair my father could wear. My dad has a new leg brace which he would like to hide inside the pant leg.

Idea - add zipper to inside leg of jeans to allow for my dad's leg brace.

First, I ripped out the hem and inner leg seam approximately 17 inches to allow for ease of use from the seam because the leg brace is 15 inches tall. Then, I serged the edges of the seams of the blue jeans independently. Next, I inserted a zipper with a zipper foot on my sewing machine. Then I resewed the hem.

Ta Da! Mission accomplished!

Zipper opening in the inner leg seam that my dad can open to put on his leg brace. I hope this solution works for him.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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