Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 18, 2009 Why am I starting a blog about my hobby?

I decided to start a blog about my sewing projects to help me organize my thoughts and keep a record of what I make. I have always had a love for sewing. The fact that you can turn one flat piece of fabric and some thread into an amazing creation or a cherished gift still surprises me today. It is amazing the things one can make with a sewing machine and a serger. I love mine and wish I had more time to explore all their capabilities.

I can remember as a little girl wanting to learn how to sew. I truly believe my Grandma Consolino was the inspiration for my love of the hobby. As a young child I can remember sitting and watching her make amazing things out of yarn as she crocheted while I sat next to her. I can also remember her using this neat looking machine that she called a sewing machine. Not only did she fix hems of my pants but you could make clothes, crafts, and even household items with just some scraps of fabric.

I remember sitting in my bedroom thinking "How do you sew?"  I had these little cardboard sew around cards with holes pre-punched in them and would spend hours pushing the yarn through the little holes with a plastic needle and taking them out and trying again. When I began playing with dolls and Barbie, I would wish for a few scraps of fabric to play with to make the simplest of fashions. I loved fabric and fashion and found it occupied most of my thoughts. Although I never told anyone what I was thinking about, I knew that someday I wanted one of those magic machines that Grandma and Mom had to play with and try out for myself.

Now, I mention my mom had one of these sewing machines too however, I don't remember as much about the clothing she made for me because I was just a baby when she made things for me. I can remember her sitting at the machine and repairing clothes and making a craft here or there.  She recently gave my a sweet little one piece outfit she made fore me to let Sophia wear however, I am sad to say Sophia was a bit big for it and I didn't want to ruin it so I simply put it away to keep.  One craft item I remember her making with me was a stuffed bunny or cat. It was somewhat yellowish in color with tiny flowers on the fabric and she showed me how she sewed around the edges and then turned it right side out and stuffed it. She proceeded to stitch the hole shut and it became a little stuffed animal. Wow!

So you can see my love of sewing started way before I had a machine or the ability to use one. I always wanted to take a sewing class in high school but my schedule didn't allow for it. I did take a very basic sewing class once where I learned how to use the machine. I can remember picking out fabric made of very light denim to make a dress. I don't know whatever happened to that "dress". I am sure that I probably never finished it or wore it.  As a child I didn't finish many crafts I started.

I have alway wondered what if I make this or that.  So when I asked my parents for my own sewing machine I knew the possibilities were endless of what I could learn.  With some inspiration and a simple curtain pattern I made curtains for my apartment and then made coverings for my ugly couches.  I will never forget how tough that was.

When I graduated college I received my first serger.  What is a serger you say?  Well, let me tell you it is machine that not only can you finish your sewing seams professionally but you can make neat designs you can't do on a regular sewing machine.  With 4 needles working simultaneously, you can create masterpieces.  The serger sews so much faster than a sewing machine that one can finish projects in about a quarter of the time.  I still use my old beloved sewing machine for straight stitching and top-stitching but am amazed as I watch DVD's and read books about what the serger can do.

I hope as I self learn that I can keep a record of some of the fun things I make as an inspiration to myself for future projects as well as a way to remember some of the fun simple things that taught me how to use my magic machines and just a little thread and things.


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