Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beach cover-up or fancy tunic style blouse

Front view with gathered fancy belt

Back view

I rarely sew anything for myself. I don't have much time to make things for me. I just love making stuff for other people but this one I just might have to keep.

My mom brought me a great suggestion of making beautiful beach cover-ups. Rather than wearing a terry-cloth towel cover-up at the beach, that let's face it looks flattering on nobody, I could design a beautiful beach cover-up.

After a couple different trials I have come up with a favorite.

I serged this entire cover-up on the serger except for attaching the casing for the fancy belt. I had to use the sewing machine because my serger does not have a cover-stitch setting.  I suppose I could have flat-locked it but I really haven't practiced that technique enough to try it on this fabric yet.

However, I had a lot of fun making this cover-up because I taught myself a new technique on my serger that may appear on future projects.

I used a three thread rolled hem on the scarf type fabric because it seems to work well. The big difference on this was I wanted to give the edges of the fabric "body" to look more luxurious. Illustrated in the arm and around the bottom hem the fabric looks like it "stands out" a bit and ripples in and out. I won't share my secret but I love the texture it gives for a new look.  Otherwise this delicate fabric would just hang.

My husband looked at this last night while I was sealing the seams with Fray check and said, "Uh, do you realize that it is see-through? It is pretty, but what is it?"

I laughed and replied, "a cover-up."

What do you think?

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone


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