Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I had tiny strips of fabric, so I made a rose barrette garden

If you sew, you know you should never waste any scraps because one day some great idea might come along that they can be used for when you get time.

Most people would have thrown away these tiny scraps of fabric leftover from projects but not me. I have a serger and figured, I could use them for something someday as trim on my kids dresses. Someday came and as you can see I serged some sweet fabric ribbon roses for my girls to use as hair-bows.

Here is another one.

Then, I made a whole bunch more of the serged fabric ribbon roses into hair barrettes for my girls using up a bunch of tiny strips. My favorite is the yellow organza rose. I have many more to make so I will stop blogging for now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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